Sunday, February 26, 2012

Belled Rebels

What haven't we written about?
The pebbles that dried in the evening sun? The tide that went out? The notion of being passionate about a lighthouse out there?

It is not hard to talk about freedom and clarity. Your silence was not bought.

What haven't we done?

Monday, February 13, 2012

To The Swan

A window opens into the backyard. Bird songs. I think about the desert winds I have neither written about nor seen. A book about the caravans and their battles is on its way to me.

In a sunlit room, on a swinging bed, a warm afternoon, your voice drifting towards me from the entrance to this home. I wait in a place between a smile and a longing. I had stories to tell and you are finally here.

A mother and her baby in a tiny place somewhere.